Tintern Abbey

Tintern Abbey
With tranquil restoration:--feelings too

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The First Of Many

"It is curious . . . but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold"
"That is because you have done a good action"
-Oscar Wild "The Happy Prince"
I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am excited for this up coming year. Interestingly, I have never dreamed of the advantages that technology can provide for teachers! When I came home, I had such a headache at the thought of having to use the dreaded computer...hyperlinks...bookmarks...who knows of such things?! Obviously, not me. Nevertheless, I am up for the challenge
I have already done about 27 hours of student observation. After about ten minutes in my first class, on the very first day one kid already stood up and screamed "QUICK WHO CAN TAKE OFF THEIR PANTS THE FASTEST!" I had no idea what to do, or how to respond. I think I at lest didn't laugh to noticeably. The same kid proceeded to pass around a picture of his nipple. *sigh* the joys of high school.
I went running this morning and I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with how much I have to do this year--but how amazing it is all going to be! I love to learn new things. The air was cold, the morning was bright; I am happy to be alive.
Much love to you dear blogger.com

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