Tintern Abbey

Tintern Abbey
With tranquil restoration:--feelings too

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"They breathe profits; they eat the interest on money. If they don't get it, they die the way you die without air, without side-meat."

-Chapter five “The Grapes of Wrath”

Class presentation! English 11 honors students were very different from that of regular 10th grade English. I personally think that anyone could be doing the work that the English Honors where doing. It depends on how the teacher presents the requirements. This teacher…I call him/her MR./iss WRATH—definitely pushes the students. Which is a good thing! Mr/iss Wrath used a lot of sarcasm though—but the students appeared to be use to it. He/she spoke very…lets say “unfriendly” about ELA standards and authority in general. Though he/she uses humor a lot he/she maintains order in the class room. The presentation given by the students was great! Well maybe not great…it was good? Vivid. Interesting…O wait according to Mr/iss. Wrath is was “lacking.” Thus, the teacher takes over after the students talked about: Fruit, death, Life, decay, Christians, Machines, Rose of Sharon, The Dust Bowl. Mr/iss.Wrath himself/herself goes into the use of language throughout the story. I think that she/he should go over the language she/he uses in class! (What a potty mouth *tisk* tisk*).
Nevertheless, the students like Mr/iss.Wrath and the are learning about a great book.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The problem of WANTING

“Get up a voice inside says there’s no time for looking down
only a pound a word and you’re talking to the town
but how do you coin the phrase though that will set your soul apart…”
-The Sundays

Observation of a 10th grade English class. The book Night by Elie Wiesel is the topic of choice, at this moment in time. Questions like: Why does Eliezer pray and why does he cry when he prays?—are used in an effort to try and provoke critical thinking and response…but to whom!? A group of 10th graders who could care less why some guy, who’s how old—who lived when? Cried. Eliezer even writes he doesn’t know why he is crying! Simple, on an abstract metaphorical level—he is crying because “something” inside him felt the need to cry. How is a teacher supposed to teach that? Or teach it in a way that a student will understand. The teacher walks around the room, trying to involve every corner—every eye, breath, face, person; unfortunately, the eyes just stare back at her/him (have to keep anonymity! Should I call the teacher IT?) IT reminds the students/subject/children/obervers/learners/people/boys/girls/sons/daughters/THEM that they have HW and a test for next class.
Sadly the more I do observations the more I realize that my first job, once I become a teacher, is not going to be instructing the students, but creating a passion—a desire to know why Eliezer cries when he prays.
"How will you [ I ] coin the phrase though [?] that will set your [my] soul apart [?] "

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The First Of Many

"It is curious . . . but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold"
"That is because you have done a good action"
-Oscar Wild "The Happy Prince"
I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am excited for this up coming year. Interestingly, I have never dreamed of the advantages that technology can provide for teachers! When I came home, I had such a headache at the thought of having to use the dreaded computer...hyperlinks...bookmarks...who knows of such things?! Obviously, not me. Nevertheless, I am up for the challenge
I have already done about 27 hours of student observation. After about ten minutes in my first class, on the very first day one kid already stood up and screamed "QUICK WHO CAN TAKE OFF THEIR PANTS THE FASTEST!" I had no idea what to do, or how to respond. I think I at lest didn't laugh to noticeably. The same kid proceeded to pass around a picture of his nipple. *sigh* the joys of high school.
I went running this morning and I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with how much I have to do this year--but how amazing it is all going to be! I love to learn new things. The air was cold, the morning was bright; I am happy to be alive.
Much love to you dear blogger.com